Low Impact Development

The primary goal of Low Impact Development (LID) is to preserve a site’s predevelopment hydrology.
So what does this mean?
Retain the water at the source. Infiltrate or use the water where feasible. If not feasible hold the water and discharge at a reduced (predevelopment) rate.


The practice of holding stormwater runoff in ponds, vaults, within berms, or in depressed areas and letting it discharge slowly to the MS4.


A type of Stormwater BMP that is designed to store the Design Capture Volume and avoid any discharge to downstream conveyance systems for flow events less than the Design Storm. For the purposes of the LID, Retention BMPs include Infiltration, Diversion and Rain Water Harvesting.


A type of LID Retention BMP where the primary treatment mechanism is through seepage of runoff into a site’s underlying soil.

Rainwater Harvesting

Stormwater BMPs that capture stormwater runoff in a vault or cistern and stores that water for later use, such as for irrigation.

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